Friday, July 19, 2013

Hilarious Norwegian bachelor party prank involves bungee jump, kiddie pool

There’s too much hyperbole on the Internet, something I’m never guilty of myself. But it’s safe to say this is the absolute, greatest bungee-related Norwegian bachelor party prank you’ll ever see in your life.
Though you were clearly sold at “Norwegian bachelor party,” here’s some back story: In Norway, bachelor parties are less The Hangover-style debauchery and more about surprises and pranks (and then debauchery). The bride or groom traditionally doesn’t know when the party will take place.
In the video below, the groom, who is apparently afraid of heights, was blindfolded and told he’d be bungee jumping. After two hours, they reached this point. The groom believed he was standing on top of an old bridge when the countdown begins.
There’s a debate in the YouTube comments about whether this is real or fake, but after learning about Norwegian traditions and seeing the nervousness in the groom-to-be, I fall firmly in the “it’s legit” camp.

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