Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Charges against Florida's Antonio Morrison are dropped

Misdemeanor charges against Florida linebacker Anthony Morrison for resisting arrest and harassing a police dog early Sunday morning have been dismissed.
Florida State Attorney William P. Cervone said in a written statement the dismissal was based on lack of evidence and that the charge of interfering with a police animal required malice, which didn't exist in this case.
Cervone wrote, "This dismissal is based on the lack of evidence to warrant much less legally sustain those charges and the complete inappropriateness of pursuing court action against Morrison, or anyone else, under the circumstances involved."
Morrison, 19, was arrested and taken to jail after walking up to a police vehicle and barking at a police dog. He initially resisted arrest when police handcuffed him, according to the arrest report, but video of the arrest that was released Monday appeared to show that police might have acted overzealously. Alachua County Sheriff Sadie Darnell told the Gainesville Sun that a warning would have been more appropriate.
"I challenge anyone who looks at the video of the incident to find any resistance, physical or otherwise, beyond questioning the actions of law enforcement, which is not illegal," Cervone wrote.
Cervone praised Darnell's conclusion in his written statement and added, "In my view, no arrest should have been made in this case, whether technically sustainable or not. In my office, I teach and we attempt to practice restraint. The power to do something as profound as depriving another person of liberty and subjecting him to all of the consequences of an arrest or prosecution cannot be abused, even when one's patience is thin.
"After nearly 40 years as a prosecutor I understand the pressures that officers on the street deal with. Those pressures simply cannot be allowed to override common sense and the law, as they may have in this situation."
Florida coach Will Muschamp initially said Morrison would be suspended for "at least" two games this season. In a statement Tuesday, Muschamp said, "As of now, nothing has changed with Antonio's discipline status."
Morrison was arrested in June after allegedly punching a bouncer at a nightclub but reached a deferral agreement for that offense including fines, community service and probation. Another crime would have put him in jeopardy, given that his probation is still ongoing. Cervone wrote that the deferral would remain in effect.
Dan Wolken, a national college football reporter for USA TODAY Sports, is on Twitter@DanWolken.

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